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Holistic Wellness Blog

Embrace Your Inner Journey:
Ignite Your Spirit, Nourish Your Mind, Expand Your Soul

Writer's pictureBrittany Marie

Serenading God

One of the most prominent qualities of the spiritual awakening has been the strong desire to seek the Creator & the Truth & serve the Will of the Creator & the Highest Good for All. The will, intention, and desire for this grows strong and feels like the truest calling and passion that could be in this life.

A longing to love you, devote the self to you, surrender to you, and serenade you, comes as an invisible force field of Will within. To touch, see, hear, and feel your presence is all that is desired yet when I look in the mirror or gaze into my lover's eyes I see your reflection softly gazing back at me, when I hear the song sung of the love bird or hear ‘I love you’ spoken I hear your voice caressing my ears, when I am in the arms of someone I love or when embracing the gentle hug of a child I feel your touch holding me, and when I close my eyes and feel the gratitude of life, the sun on my skin, the gentle breeze flow by, and the peace from the waterside or sunrise, I feel your presence. The will to know you grows stronger by the day, to love and be loved, to embody the lover and the beloved, to surrender to divine will. There is an undeniable enticing willingness to throw caution to the wind, relinquishing the safeguards of rationality, and become a fool lost in the love of the divine. Ironically, through all of this devotion, to seek and sink into the mystery of you, is to first learn to walk in this life as ‘me.’ Through that walk the layers of the mind are shedding one by one quieting the storms of thought and separation and healing the turbulent waves of emotion. The heart is opening, stretching, expanding, and there in the silence between all this occurring I wait for your union, serenading you with all of the lovely words the mind and heart can conjure of your grace and glory. Until the moment there is recognized oneness again, I’ll walk this life as ‘me’ knowing in spirit this is the most beautiful dance of God with Life itself.




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