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Holistic Wellness Blog

Embrace Your Inner Journey:
Ignite Your Spirit, Nourish Your Mind, Expand Your Soul

Writer's pictureBrittany Marie

Kundalini Awakening: A Story of Transformation & Discovery

Hi there! Thank you for joining me on my site today which I am creating to discuss topics on spirituality, emotional well-being, energy work, and healthy lifestyle, so if you have interest in these topics, please subscribe to the email list or follow my social media platforms to be notified for more to come. This post is a transcript of my Kundalini Awakening: A Story of Transformation & Discovery video on my YouTube channel, so if you prefer video format you can check out the video link included below or if you have a reading preference you will find the same information discussed in the video here in this post.

Resources Referenced

Table of Contents

This post is part II to my first video sharing about the unfolding of a spiritual awakening and how that has progressed over the last several years. In that previous video I shared some about my personal and professional background and a spiritual awakening that occurred in 2015.

A quick run down from my first introduction, I have worked in human services for 13 years and as a psychotherapist specializing in trauma for 8 ½ of those years. It has been such a privilege getting to work with others and through that a wealth of information has been expanded on to help do our shadow work, cultivate self-love, healing, self-knowledge, creating healthy relationships, and forgiveness to name a few, which will all be areas discussed in future videos. My hopes in sharing this is that others may find it helpful to support their healing journey as well.

I’ll note too that I no longer work in clinical social work because I wanted to further explore a holistic path of healing. So, all of the information discussed in these videos is not clinical advice and is experiential. It's not to replace or substitute healthcare services and it is always recommended you establish care with a licensed healthcare provider to address health related needs.

Definition of Kundalini

To get started in this video I’ll provide a brief definition of kundalini which is a Sanskrit term for the divine feminine energy that is housed within the root chakra where it lies dormant until it seemingly awakens on its own or after intentional efforts using different practices that can range from tantric practices, yoga, spiritual energy transfer, meditation, or breathwork to name a few.

Once the kundalini energy awakens and releases from being housed within the root chakra, it begins its natural path to ascend up the spine through the energy centers also known as the chakras. If there are barriers along its path the energy will work within those areas of the body and consciousness to heal and clear this energy highway so it can move up the path as it seeks to reach the crown chakra.

This life force energy is often depicted as a coiled serpent energy laying at the base of the spine and when it is awakened its illustrated as a serpent releasing from this position and ascending upwards towards the crown chakra. It’s depicted as a snake due to the beliefs of the serpent representing renewal, transformation, and regeneration.

This powerful life force energy helps heal physical distortions within the body and mental and emotional imbalances that disrupt the chakra system’s natural state of balance and harmony. It also unlocks a range of energetic and spiritual potentials within one’s consciousness as it moves upwards and once it meets its destination within the crown chakra located at the top of the head, it can lead to spiritual liberation and significant transformation within consciousness that leads one closer on the path to God realization.

There are also often advances in skills, abilities, self-healing, self-knowledge, and meeting one’s highest potential in energetic terms by helping the nervous system adapt to having increased light and energy to operate within it to advance in mind, body, and spirit. This energy once adapted to and balanced within one’s field can then be directed to the outer world in offering catalyst to others for their healing and self-knowledge, creating new advancements in healing, teaching, technology, science, and spiritual discovery and abilities that lead towards the evolution of consciousness and ultimately leading the creator back into its center or pure unmanifested divine conscious state.

Often deep healing work is needed around this emergence of spiritual energy to help aid in removing blockages for the proper flow of energy and to support the nervous system in adapting to this significant influx of energy. If one awakens this and the mind, body, spirit complex was not prepared it can lead to this powerful energy burning out the nerves and cause serious negative physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. It's like overcharging an electric outlet with too much energy than it can tolerate so the breaker trips and burns out. This can lead to Kundalini Syndrome and be a traumatic experience that can have characteristics of spiritual mania or psychosis along with a wide range of other difficult symptoms.

I did not do anything to cultivate this kundalini experience other than learning of it and having the intention to meet my highest potential and the desire to awaken to the truth.

The Need for Ongoing Healing

A quick overview of what was discussed in the previous video. In 2014 there were a lot of personal changes made which I feel was a subconscious drive to purify and balance as much as possible in preparation for the dark night of the soul that was leading to a spiritual awakening that occurred in 2015.

In 2016, the spiritual awakening continued to unfold, and greater healing work was being guided from within to do, I was continuing to heal from PTSD and early childhood trauma, learning about codependency and healthy boundaries, and strengthening confidence. I also had strong desires to learn as much as I could about the psyche, teachings on the spirit world, reconnecting with cultural practices and beliefs, and energy work. It felt like healing was of most importance and I wanted to learn and heal as much as I could.

In 2017 I had a lot of health problems begin to manifest that I had to seek medical treatment for, but I also worked with an integrative holistic medical provider who was willing to help me explore supplements and herbal options. After about a year and a half of medical intervention and functional medicine I was able to have my health restored. There was a lot of intense chronic fatigue to work through during this time as well which was the last health concern to heal and thankfully this resolved after a couple of years of enduring that. I don’t know the exact cause for that low energy at that time, but I have read and heard from several others there is a lot of fatigue that occurs around early awakening and healing periods.

This physical healing period that was being navigated felt like my body’s way of manifesting healing blocks and old emotional wounds and it was getting my attention in ways I couldn’t overlook and was a purifying and balancing process. I plan to make a video and post in the future about resources to explore metaphysical characteristics related to emotional, mental, and physical health related issues that may offer some guidance on where to begin to learn about these connections.

At this time, I was also realizing how impactful our thoughts and belief systems are to our quality of life and began intense self-study on learning limiting belief systems I had but also recognizing we are not our thoughts or emotions which are powerful but illusive qualities of consciousness, and this helped alleviate some of the pain of being attached to thought forms and belief systems.

The Emergence of Synchronicities

So now we are in the fall of 2017 and during this time, I began seeing snakes on a frequent basis over the next couple of weeks. I am from the Midwest and grew up in a rural area and still never crossed as many snakes as I did during this period. I used to be deathly afraid of snakes but after working through healing so much fear during the previous two years, I oddly was curious about this happening and felt no negative reaction to them.

When I say I was seeing snakes, I am talking like 20-30 snakes over a few weeks period which is wild, and I started asking others if they were noticing this too and no one else was having this experience. I didn’t know what it meant but it felt like there was some significance to it.

This is the mark of when I began recognizing synchronicities occurring which I didn’t have the language or full awareness of yet. I would be thinking of something or wanting to learn about it, and I would receive emails of blog posts about the topic, someone would gift me a book about it, I would hear an affirming song, and it was like the answers were coming in these forms soon after I had thoughts of wanting to learn or heal around certain areas.

Piggy backing on the emergence of synchronicities starting to occur, I was subscribed to Lissa Rankin’s website and soon after I received the email about her blog on Kundalini & Spiritual Emergency: What Doctors, Psychologists, and YOU Need to Know. This is such a great article with many resources available to learn about this more or seek professional guidance if needed so I would encourage anyone who is interested to read this article.

This was the first time I had ever heard of kundalini and the moment my path and interests turned from learning about the human experience through psychology to opening my eyes to the world of spiritual teachings and understandings of this life experience.

What caught my attention in her post right away was the picture of what looked like an ancient art illustration of kundalini which was the imagery of a snake ascending. After reading the article it was like my mind was blown open and my soul became relentless in seeking this information to understand more about this.

I found Betsy Rabyor’s book Our Light Body and couldn’t put it down, it was like a part of me wanted to absorb as much as I could about this spiritual phenomenon, and she wrote in such great detail about her spiritual awakening and kundalini awakening experiences. Her work and description of her spiritual awakening felt so validating because this was the first time I had sought out and read about another’s awakening experience aside from Lissa Rankin’s blog that turned me in this direction.

Once I realized this was a universal experience others were having too it got me excited. I didn’t have anyone in my life that had shared experiences of a spiritual awakening to talk about this with and didn’t know there were others sharing out there on this, so I sounded a bit strange I am sure to others at times but my mentor studied Buddhist philosophy in undergrad so he could understand what I was saying but couldn’t relate to having an experience like that yet. During the first couple of years after the awakening there were times it felt like an isolated and lonely journey not having others to talk about it with and I realized it wasn’t as common of an experience and stopped sharing much about the spiritual awakening with others.

Shifting from Psychology Teachings to Spiritual Studies

Like I mentioned before, I was primarily focused on psychology studies and neuroscience which wasn’t offering a discussion around spirituality or kundalini awakening. Topics on spirituality were not discussed in the clinical research I was looking at, in the therapy modalities we were taught, or in school or my continuing education training which I think is unfortunate that these areas are not often included in psychology, mental health, and clinical work. I think we are missing a big piece there, but I think the field is expanding more on this and there will be more literature that is accepted within these fields of study to include the spiritual side of things eventually.

Going back to the book, Our Light Body by Betsy Rabyor, I felt so excited about this new discovery but didn’t feel I could relate to the experiences she was having associated with kundalini but nonetheless was excited to expand my understanding on this. This was something my intention and will bee lined for and I had a strong desire to cultivate this level of awakening, but I wasn’t doing any practices to facilitate that. Now we fast forward a couple of months into late December and early January of 2018.

I know I discuss a lot of time frames but since the awakening I have kept written record of these occurrences and my dreams to reflect back on. I also notice how a lot of major realizations or deeper awakening moments occur in the fall and springtime. I read this could be related to increased spiritual instreaming energy associated with the equinoxes that make it likely that we will experience increased spiritual awakening occurrences whether this comes in the form of dark nights of the soul, major change, or spiritual realization.

Pre- Kundalini Awakening

In December and January, I began having increased changes in perception and experience. I Began to have increased empathic abilities and could feel blockages and others’ emotions quickly within my body. I would wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat and so hot, during the day I was having hot flashes and would feel intense heat rising from my legs upward. I had changes in sleep, and I would wake up between 3-5 am every night for what felt like months. Several Light bulbs were burning out at the office and at home around me during a two-week period. There were Moments where it felt like a warm thick liquid energy was coming from under the tongue and creating a sweet taste and this will sporadically happen still from time to time.

I also started to see fields of color and energy moving around others, symbols too appearing over one of their shoulders and I tried to draw these out to show it to some of the people to see if it had any significance, but no one could relate to them. A few years later when in yoga teacher training, we were shown Buddhist symbols and the Dharma Wheel which these images looked similar to.

I could see large auric fields around trees, flashes of diamond looking lights, sometimes orbs or shadows, little floaters in the eyes, and at times my eyes would lock in on something and they would begin to zoom in closer to the focal point like what would happen if you were zooming in with a camera lens then there were times where the eyes would focus on an area and there could be seen this ticking sense of the eyes moving from right to left and had a similar rhythm to the hand ticking on the clock.

My eyes would also get locked into a position where I would be intensely gazing at one point for a period of time as well. There were increasing experiences of seeing the reality before me as pixelated, similar to static snow on a TV, it was like I could see the field before me vibrating at a fast frequency and countless little electric pixels were vibrating together to create the appearance of reality before me. Then there were a couple of times where I would be looking out and would see a ripple effect like the holographic screen of reality had a little ripple or malfunction in it and the screen was going to tear open. When this happened, it was pretty trippy and would startle me at times.

At first, I began to wonder if I had a stroke in my eyes or an eye disorder happening because I was becoming slightly concerned with all these new changes emerging and I didn’t know if this was health related or spiritually related but thankfully, I was led to learning about kundalini emergence beforehand so this offered grounding that this may be the next experience of awakening.

Again, I think learning about kundalini was divine timing, the information was provided before this occurred to prepare me for this shift because had I not had any understanding of this, I think it would have been concerning and I could have been misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly by traditional medical providers had I shared the experiences with someone who had a limited understanding.

Spiritual Teachers

I reached out to Betsy Rabyor and she held space for me to describe these experiences and provided guidance which I have a lot of gratitude for. She also suggested Eckhart Tolle’s teachings and Dr. David Hawkins work to help with greater understanding of the evolution of consciousness and spiritual awakening. They are two of my favorite teachers and I would highly recommend their work to others who have interest in spiritual evolution, the nature of emotion and the ego, and ways to help heal and gain self-knowledge.

After taking in so many spiritual teachings and new understandings, the desire for enlightenment sparked a fire within the heart and it felt like there was nothing more important to seek than this salvation and to be of service to help others do the same.

The Kundalini Awakening

Moving into February and March of 2018, I began having more intense lucid dreams where I could recognize I was aware and could make choices within those dreams, I was put into intensely fear based scenarios where it felt my life was threatened or being in situations with apex predators where I felt I had to take correct action to survive. I was beginning to see snakes appearing often in the dreams as well and all of the emotion was as real as anything else in the dreams. But one theme that would occur each time is there would be a soft inner guidance that would come over me offering instruction, reminding me to breath, surrender, and ask my higher power for help during the most intense part of the dream.

I would follow this and let go and the dream would turn in my favor, the body would unlock from all of the tension, and I would be removed from the life-threatening scenario. Looking back on it now, it felt as if this was a form of training and practice and created attunement with the higher self and spirit guides that were guiding through intuition. They were offering instructions on how to remain steadfast and to surrender, allow, and accept.

Another physical experience occurring was each night there would be vibrating throughout the body and at first, I wasn’t aware this was coming from my body. I legit thought my husband was shaking the bed and had restless leg syndrome or something, so poor guy, I was nagging at him to figure out what he had going on. One night after I drifted into a light sleep I was awakened by the bed vibrating so I was asking him to reposition because he was shaking the bed then heard him responding from the living room and that is when I woke up fully and realized my body was vibrating and I would begin observing this energy occurring within the body for several weeks and would be aware of the vibration, or the energy moving or pulsing in different parts of the body.

Then one night in March, I woke up from a light sleep and I was in paralysis. I could only move my eyes and my body was stuck still. I felt a scary feeling that something was present in our room and could see a dark shadow moving and changing form then I felt this presence right over my shoulder. It felt like the devil, and he was communicating to me through my mind telling me that it can make all of this go away if I just go back to sleep, all of the pain, fear, and confusion will go away but I have to choose to live in ignorance again. This startled me because for a moment I think I was contemplating it to make everything be ok and feel better. Panic and fear were setting in and I couldn’t move to get closer to my husband or alert him to help me. Then a soft inner knowing spoke within the mind saying surrender and ask God for help, in that moment I realized I had free will and could pray to God, so I began asking God to help me be free of the presence of this negative energy and take away this temptation of ignorance.

Then suddenly I felt this surge of energy move up through the body and it was like this energy was spouting out of my brain or head like a waterspout and the energy resonated throughout my body and my body unlocked and I was able to move closer to my husband then turned my attention inward. There was an explosion of light happening within the mind, so I just stayed with observing this light show happening. I could feel cool chunks of water spouting out within my body like it was being cooled down and a relaxed and a comforting feeling came over and I just watched this internal experience and the buzzing and vibration occurring along with energy circuiting throughout the body. Then I woke up in the morning with all of this aroused energy in the root chakra which I later read was a common occurrence of the root chakra being stimulated by the powerful kundalini energy.

Post-Kundalini Awakening

So after all of this, Life went on as normal but for several months after, the characteristics of this continued but eventually mellowed and some characteristics stopped while other senses in perception increased with a greater access to intuition and other qualities of ability to channel, increased empathic abilities to perceive blockages in others body as well as my own, receiving mental impressions and visions, having precognitions within dreams, and being able to sense when there is a negative entity or positive entity present.

There was one night a couple of years ago where I could auditorily hear the voice of the higher self-giving a direct message and telling me to "remember Ramabo, it was a glorified day and I know you know what I am taking about, remember RAMABO." I still don’t fully understand what this is and continue to contemplate and meditate on it. So, If anyone has any insight into this word or something you recall from a past life that has some meaning to this, please do share because I am all ears.

After this point, there was a strong desire to continue to meditate, journal, do self-examination, read, research, learn about the chakras and energy body, learn and practice energy work, attend meditation and healing retreats, forgive, heal pride and desire, release victim mentality, stop blaming the outside world, own mistakes and acts out of ignorance and karma, and cultivate acceptance.

Spirit Animals & Angel Numbers

Synchronicities started to get stronger, and I was experiencing increased run ins with animals and insects. From ground hogs, to eagles, hawks, and butterflies, at such frequent rates and in close proximity to one another and doubt or chalking it up to coincidence wasn’t enough to explain how often it was happening. At one of the trainings, I told someone about how strange this was, and she shared about spirit animals and how I can learn more online so when I looked this up and the meaning and qualities these animals carried it was spot on for what was occurring in my life at the moment and there was guidance being offered in these occurrences.

Then I started noticing repeating number sequences but had no reference for this yet either, but it was so often again I couldn’t brush it off as insignificant. So, at a different healing retreat I was telling my roommate about it, and she told me about angel numbers and shared Joannes Sacred Scribes website and after looking them up it felt in alignment again with why this was happening and what it symbolized.

A Heavy Rite of Passage

A couple months after the intense energetic experience, the next part of awakening occurred and it felt like a heavier rite of passage was getting ready to unfold and I remembered feeling like, "oh gosh how many dark nights of the soul are there" because it felt like a shock to the psyche after having the next realization and I hit a point of spiritual depression after experiencing the realization that there is 'no Brittany,' it's all an illusion and this small notion of self does not actually exist beyond relative truth. This was not easy to become aware of, it felt frightening, and apathy, nihilism, depression, and confusion kicked in.

This was a rude awakening to the ego. Early on during the awakening, getting to realize that the outer world, our thoughts, emotions, and social constructs we know ourselves through was an illusion felt exciting, hopeful, and freeing to know what causes suffering does not actually exist on a level of absolute truth and permanency but never had the thought occurred that if that was all an illusion than too was the character of the personality the mind was fully identified with. The answer to those questions I had been asking and meditating on of "who am I and what is god?" finally showed up and it created fragmentation and a sense of despair to the mind.

This realization brought no peace only feelings of confusion and being lost. The ego was ticked off its identity and story weren’t real and the notion that this was the creator experiencing itself through these manifestations of pretend characters offered no closeness to divinity or comfort by this. There was a lot of overthinking about this new awareness and the mind feeling totally identified again with thought and emotion and it made it all very confusing.

The egoic self we will call it also got sick of anything spiritual and healing related during this period of time that expanded over several months. It felt frustrating that this experience didn’t relieve me from suffering like the previous realizations had and the ego felt disillusioned with this whole process thinking it was a pointless rinse and repeat cycle of suffering and imprisonment within the mind. I see now that the ego had strong expectations of wanting to be important or special as well as being saved from suffering by having this awakening, but little did it know none of the spiritual revelations would be for the egos self-enhancing attainment and would actually lead to its demise in a sense of no longer being believed in or understanding the self through this limited perspective.

During these several months there were oscillating periods of acceptance although the intellect still couldn’t fully make sense of this notion there was no personal self. Then the opposite would occur where there would be intense moments of resistance and suffering around the spiritual path.

Awareness Becoming Aware it was Aware

In the late summer and fall of 2018, there were moments beginning to occur where awareness had become aware that it was aware. It is hard to articulate this, and I can’t explain that experience other than awareness becoming aware of itself as the ego was becoming aware of its temporary self. It was like two parts within the self were awakening to its own self. Illusion and truth were getting to meet for the first time. It felt like "I don’t have awareness I am awareness." To have awareness is still identifying with the form concept of the personal self but to be awareness was to observe what form, awareness was identifying with within the mind. It felt like a beautiful new understanding and more acceptance was made for the personal self’s lack of true reality.

After this new shift, life carried on with much more peace, acceptance, and grace. There of course were still daily ups and downs but for the most part there were long periods of peace, optimal health, and balance. It felt like maybe this is the peace the enlightened avatars speak of, and I was praying it was here to stay. I see now every moment and day that occurs where there is not depression, confusion, doubt, and anxiety feels like the greatest form of wealth there could be and there is so much gratitude for these moments.

A New Soul Path

The next part of this unfolding process leads to transitioning from working in community mental health for several years to working in private practice and the practice was drawing in a lot of spiritually based clients. It was a cool transition to see and felt aligned with the direction life was heading. I began learning so much from clients and their spiritual journeys and I couldn’t be more appreciative for this and how much my eyes were opened by them teaching me even more about this path.

A couple of clients shared information on the books The Ra Contact, Teaching the Law of One and one in particular encouraged me a few times to read this work. There was divine timing in this because I don’t think I could have accepted the Law of One teachings early on in the awakening process because of how scientifically and intellectually oriented the mind was but it came into my life at the right time where consciousness wanted to expand in that direction, and it has opened new doors of consideration, realizations, and understandings that have been profoundly impactful and life changing. It has been a significant guide and training manual and I will share more on this in videos to come.

A Moment of Enlightenment

In the spring of 2020, our family was preparing for the departure of a loved one to transition to the spirit world when the realization arose that if there is no Brittany than what animates this experience is God. Therefore, all experience, action, thought, and feeling is God.

This has been the most profound shift within awareness so far. It felt like a moment of being enmeshed with enlightenment. Before there was only an intellectual understanding that all is the one infinite creator but now this truth could be felt. It seemed silly and outrageous to feel guilt, shame, or fear of being separate from the universe and on the outside of God's love because of past karma and actions made from ignorance because now it was felt that all is God. There could never be separation from what one is and always has been. Shame and guilt seemed laughable because whatever has occurred to make one feel this way or feel outside of the good grace of god was actually never an individual personal self, it was and has always been the creator experiencing and expressing itself although under veils of ignorance and forgetting but nonetheless it was the creator behind this inertia and action and if the creator is nothing other than love, innocence, immeasurable power, and worth than that means all including the small self is of the same essence.

This recognition remained over the next couple of weeks bringing with it a field of peace and rest within gods true nature but slowly normal human perception arose again but there remained the holiness of this truth within the psyche and the remembering of how good this state of being felt. Our loved one passed away soon after that and grief still arose although there was no resistance or attachment to it, there was a peace and acceptance to allow the energy to arise, express, and pass.

The Next Dark Night of the Soul

The interesting thing to note about all of these beautiful piercings of the veil to get a glimpse of the truth were also forms of preparation to prepare for the next stages of experience that often carried a heavy healing period or dark night of the soul. 2021 was coming in hot and my world was getting ready to turn upside down again for another pass of what felt like a year and a half dark night of the soul. I think having the grace of this awareness of our true god nature helped the psyche prepare to endure for the next major upheaval.

Over the next year and a half there were several significant challenges, changes, and losses happening in all parts of life. Challenges of having to endure deeper graveyards of shame, guilt, fear, doubt, and low self-esteem arose. It was a shock and surprising because of how much progress I thought was made and how much healing work that has been done for the last eight years. I recognized through all of this there were still deep wells of this old stagnant dormant energy. Lessons of having to learn to love, accept, forgive and know the self on an even deeper level arose. Dealing with such intense feelings of low self-esteem, mistrust, loss of faith, and doubt on such deep soul levels occurred.

I returned again to questioning God, fate, the universe, even having moments of thinking and feeling of being so small and insignificant and feeling like there was nothing but separation between the self and God and feeling drenched in states of consciousness of shame, guilt, and fear. Even more childhood trauma, anger, and pain rose to the occasion. It was a long dark period again where perceiving through the ego was the primary experience although the spiritual truths remained in the background and offered anchors to endure this new soul season of mind maturing and soul level learning.

It’s interesting how consciousness seems to be overtaken within these lower states of consciousness such as guilt, shame, anger, and apathy for periods of time even after having profound realizations of the truth. It's like we get a taste for what is to come but before we can claim residency in that higher state of consciousness which is love, peace, and joy, everything that prevents us from living in that state permanently has to arise for some major healing of this life and past life karma as well as spiritual learning and growth which occurs only through experience.

I guess there was even deeper work that had to be done and my consciousness had the tools to endure now this level of healing without getting totally consumed by the illusions of darkness and matter. These initiation periods are tough as shit so I send love and compassion to all who are enduring this process of evolution. The chaos and fire of these catalysts I can only assume based on what I have seen occur time again in the past are only forging new paths and experiences for the creator to learn, know, and experience itself.

Although the moments of darkness occur, this dance of life is bringing in even deeper levels of love, acceptance, and forgiveness for others and ourselves along with creating deep roots in trust, faith, and wisdom which can only be cultivated overtime. The longing and desire for the states of peace, joy, and love create fuel for our wills and intentions to be focused on the truth and the creator. These high states have to be cultivated and we have to learn to let go of expectations that they are just given to us without having to work to attain and remain within them. The healing and transcending work continues and thankfully the darkness is lifting and there is so much love, trust, faith, and gratitude returning.

Levels of Consciousness

With all of that said, we awaken in stages, we oscillate between all stages of consciousness, and I am referring to Dr. Hawkins levels of consciousness map. Even if we have a higher level of consciousness, we still experience the lower ones but over time of healing and learning we spend less and less time in those lower states and we gain great insight, experience, and self-knowledge. The creator learns of itself through experience and all learning is on a spectrum.

After the spiritual awakening, life continues to unfold with new challenges, joys, and losses which give us the opportunity to continue evolving and releasing what the mind has attached to in understanding itself and what gives life meaning. We must use our will, intent, and desire to continue pursuing and cultivating this path to reach our highest potential of enlightenment, resting in the truth, and seeking meaning through the essence of who we are which is love rather than seeking this in the material world.

Lifelong Learning & Authenticity

Just when we think there is no more to learn the universe gives us a surprise and shows us even deeper and bigger ways, we can love even harder and more and how we can forgive and accept even greater than the times before and how we are even stronger and wiser than we ever realized. Its normal to have to grieve for a while that healing is not linear and that this is a lifelong process of growth, balancing, and development. Life as we know it in modern day society is consciousness seeking to enlighten itself and wake up from the dream it lulled itself in to through wanting to experience itself as matter so there could be a sense of evolution through the experience of separation and free will given to the self along with duality to expand the one infinite creator's knowledge of itself.

One of the greatest take aways on this path and learning there is no personal self is to have fun, laugh as much as you can, dance like you are going to shake this earth with your passion, be kind to others because how you treat them is how you treat yourself, love hard, forgive quickly, get excited and curious about learning and studying yourself, and recognize you are the cosmos experiencing life as Brittany, Jimmy, Joe, and Sally and so on. God wants this experience of being you. The creator isn’t looking for us to mimic others’ lives and paths. So, find your spiritual path by being authentic to those inner callings, passions, drives, motivations, and interests.

Free yourself from the dogma and doctrine of what another’s spiritual path looks like or what you think it should look like. Do the things you enjoy and surround yourself with what you enjoy. Have fun releasing old identities and creating new ones with the ultimate understanding that behind the created expression of the self is God who is having a damn good time at creating and expressing life through you. It is fun for us to create, express, and manifest and we are a microcosm of the whole so, therefore, that is what the creator sees as a good time so let that authenticity rip and run wild and free. That is what will make the universe smile and create fulfillment for authentic expression and experience as we seek to evolve and serve the highest good for all.

Every perspective the creator gets to experience itself, brings joy and potential and that is proven through all of the diversity in our world but also throughout the universe. The divine is having fun through exploring infinite versions of itself that potentiated with many factors involved.

Something within you felt like such a badass and knew you could endure the challenges of the evolution of consciousness so yay you for being a spiritual baller and I hope you can celebrate the uniqueness of you and how you are a living form of divine manifestation.

we can remember this truth to help lighten the energy around us when life feels really heavy, or we are struggling with feeling separate from the whole, low self-esteem, or doubt. Be reminded that out of all of the forms of divine creative expression, God wanted to experience what it would be like being you and that is something to smile about because you are awesome and beautiful in ways you may have yet to realize but it's only a matter of time before you get to awaken to your own beauty and the beauty of life. I hope you will recognize the awesomeness that is you and give yourself the space and freedom to express authentically.

Thank you for hanging out with me and if this is content that floats your boat then please subscribe and join me again in the videos & posts to follow!




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